A man & his car


A man trully passionate by cars

Basque Country, 2019


I met Hing Yeung in 2019 through a photo posted on social networks. A couple of message exchanges after, a meeting on a winter day in a café in Guéthary, facing the sea and here we are, a few days later in the mountains.

Hing is an artist with various talents, a recognized designer, specialized in shoes design, having grown up between the Netherlands and the United States, he is above all a car enthusiast and more particularly of 4×4 and rally cars.

If I had to describe him in one word it would be: passion. Passion and history. Owner of several vehicles, we decided to organize a photo session in the mountains of the Basque Country, in Navarre, under a thick fog giving the landscape a Scottish look.

With his Land Rover Defender Td5 almost new and in a pristine condition, we hit the tracks and spend a good moment in the middle of some amazing surroundings.


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